How do I submit a data request? |
Please submit a data request at The typical turnaround time for data requests is 1-2 weeks. This may fluctuate due to the nature of the request and the office workload. If an immediate response is needed, email the office at |
What is the average turnaround on a data request? |
The typical turnaround time for data requests is 1-2 weeks. This may fluctuate due to the nature of the request and the office workload. If an immediate response is needed, email the office at |
How do I receive training on using the website? |
Training is provided on a semesterly basis and can be requested here. |
What is the difference between the UGA Fact Book and FACTS & Figures? |
The UGA Fact Book is a publicly available resource which uses aggregate data to display information about the institution; FACTS uses non-aggregated data to allow a user to drill further down into the data, and as such, is only available to UGA Faculty and Staff. |
What is a census date and why is it important? |
The Office of Institutional Research creates census files by freezing, i.e. taking a snapshot of, key data elements at prescribed times (census dates) each semester. Capturing data on census dates ensures that essential institutional data are captured consistently, with the same definitions and at the same time in the academic and administrative cycle. The census files serve as OIR’s permanent record of information regarding admissions, student enrollment, instructional activity, degree completion, facilities and employees. Census data are used when OIR, on behalf of UGA, reports information to state, federal and other external agencies, and are particularly important in ensuring accurate comparative and trend analyses. Certain census dates are set by the University System of Georgia. |
Who has access to view reports available through OIR? |
All aggregated reports such as the UGA Fact Book and peer comparisons are available to the public. FACTS reports are available to all UGA faculty and staff through a secure login. If you experience login issues email our office at |
What are the data sources used for reporting? |
Many different sources are used for reporting. Data are used from institutional management systems, state data collections, federal and national data repositories, and data supplied from other sources. |
What is the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)? |
IPEDS is the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. It is a system of interrelated surveys conducted annually by the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). IPEDS gathers information from every college, university, and technical and vocational institution that participates in the federal student financial aid programs. The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, requires that institutions that participate in federal student aid programs report data on enrollments, program completions, graduation rates, faculty and staff, finances, institutional prices, and student financial aid. These data are made available to students and parents through the College Navigator college search Web site and to researchers and others through the IPEDS Data Center. |
What is the Academic Data Collection (ADC)? |
The University System of Georgia Board of Regents collects and maintains data on students and courses once a term during a census period for all institutions within the University System. This process is known as the Academic Data Collection (ADC). Student data are collected for students currently enrolled and for all students who graduate. Certain data elements are collected for students who enrolled the previous term, but are not enrolled this term. Course data and other related information are collected on all credit courses offered during a term. Student related data are used to analyze enrollment patterns over time, as well as admissions qualifications, academic progression, and student success. Course related data are used to generate the annual USG budget request and also support research in such areas as course-taking patterns by level and discipline, off-campus and distance education instructional activity by institution and sector, and scheduled facilities use by institution. |
What is the Common Data Set (CDS)? |
The Common Data Set (CDS) initiative is a collaborative effort among data providers in the higher education community and publishers as represented by the College Board, Peterson's, and U.S. News and World Report. The combined goal of this collaboration is to improve the quality and accuracy of information provided to all involved in a student's transition into higher education, as well as to reduce the reporting burden on data providers. |
Are aggregate reports available for download? |
Aggregate reports such as the UGA Fact Book and Peer Comparison Reports are available for download in PDF format. To download an interactive report press
the download button |
What are tooltips and why are they used? |
Tooltips are a fantastic way to add additional context or information to a report. They are displayed automatically when users hover the pointer over a specific area of a report and are removed when users move the mouse. |
Can I reset a report back to default? |
If you make changes to filters, you can reset all changes by selecting the Revert/Reset button on the toolbar. This will reset all changes you have made in the report. |