UGA Fact Book

Intended Audience:
Acceptable Use:
Official Reporting for Internal and External Users
Update Cycle:
Annually (Fall of each year)
Aggregated information about admissions, enrollment, degrees conferred, and other
student-related data. Also contains information on alumni, faculty and staff, sources
of revenue and expenditures, total sponsored and research awards, and a summary of
UGA facilities and land holdings.

Intended Audience:
UGA Faculty & Staff
Acceptable Use:
Official Reporting for Internal Users
Update Cycle:
Interactive reports about students, faculty, staff, and facilities. Also contains
Unit Profile and preliminary reports.
Operational Reports

Intended Audience:
UGA Faculty & Staff
Acceptable Use:
Unofficial Reporting for Internal Users
Update Cycle:
Reports such as the Budget Status Report and the Project Status Report.
Tools & Analytics

Intended Audience:
UGA Senior Administration
Acceptable Use:
Unofficial Reporting for Decision Support
Update Cycle:
Various times
Reports such as course relationship Sankey diagrams, student progression and success
by college, and student time to degree by college. These reports are available to
UGA senior administration which includes Associate Deans, Deans, Vice Presidents,
and above, and also available to their delegates by